Tampa Bay Books... Local Authors - Local Stories

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100 Things to Do in Tampa Bay Before You Die, 3rd Edition

about the author kristen hare is a journalist, an eager traveler, and a former peace corps volunteer. kristen covers the media for the poynter institute and writes feature obits about regular people for the tampa bay times. she's the author of the first
SKU: 9781681063539


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Kristen Hare
Reedy Press
April 01, 2022

About the Author

Kristen Hare is a journalist, an eager traveler, and a former Peace Corps Volunteer. Kristen covers the media for the Poynter Institute and writes feature obits about regular people for the Tampa Bay Times. She's the author of the first two editions of 100 Things to Do in Tampa Bay Before You Die and is joined on most of her adventures by her husband, Jai; her son, Max; and her daughter, Leela.

Temple Terrace, Florida
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